"Born in the U.S.A"- Bruce Springsteen


"Born in the U.S.A."-Bruce Springsteen
  The song I decided on for this blog is "Born in the USA" by Bruce Springsteen. I have listened to this song before, but when Professor Bradshaw mentioned that it had a "hidden" or "double" meaning, I was intrigued. After listening to it a few times, I believe I understand what the song is actually about. The song starts out with a man growing up in "small-town U.S.A." and talking about how he would get into trouble. The song then goes on about how he ends up joining the Vietnam War and fights for his country. After the war, he comes back home, tries to settle down, and looks for a job. He is unsuccessful at finding a job and goes to talk to his V.A. officer about finding a job, but gets rejected due to the economic crisis in America at the time after the Vietnam War. The song then goes on about how his brother, or close friend was killed in the war, but had fallen in love with a woman in another country where he was stationed prior to his passing. The man in the song carries a photo of his brother or friend embracing this woman in his arms implying that this man misses his brother/friend. It seems, according to the lyrics, the man gets sent to prison. After getting out of prison, the man has nowhere to go and seems like he is ready to give up. After listening to the actual meaning behind the song, it made me sad, but I still enjoy listening to it. Even though our country has gone through a lot over the years, I am proud of living here and also proud of the men and women who have fought for our country and we all deserve to be treated equally. 


  1. Its definitely intriguing how the song has a double meaning. I never even realized until professor bradshaw brought it up as well!

  2. I don't think that I have ever intently listened to the lyrics to really understand the true meaning of the song. I don't think that until professor bradshaw made a point of it, I wouldn't have noticed the double meaning. I agree, it is a very sad song, despite the music accompanying the lyrics that is upbeat and doesn't sound "sad". I think that it is precious that he carries a photo of the brother/friend with him so that he is always there.


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