8th Blog Post: "Thank God I'm A Country Boy"- John Denver


"Thank God I'm A Country Boy"-John Denver

 The song I chose today was "Thank God I'm A Country Boy" by John Denver. I have always loved listening to this song ever since I first heard it. I was excited when we got to listen to it during class. John Denver has been one of my favorite artists for quite a while; I love his voice and a lot of his songs. To me, this song is about living a simple, easy-going life on the farm or out in the country. This song has a happy and upbeat tempo; you can tell by the fiddle playing and John Denver shouting in the song towards the end. The lyrics and the music go well together because the fiddle has a fast, upbeat country tune while John Denver sings about the good ole' country life. Towards the end of the song, the fiddle breaks away from its role and the musician who plays the fiddle plays a solo. The target audience is the working-class citizens, especially those who work out on the farm or work in rural areas. This song has both a hook (a musical phrase that is particularly catchy or memorable) and a riff (repeated melodic idea). One of my favorite parts of the song is the fiddle playing and the clapping in the background; it reminds me of a song that plays when people are square dancing. It is a shame that John Denver passed when he was young, I believe that he would have continued making more great music. I am glad that John Martin Sommers wrote this song and that John Denver chose to sing it. I believe his memory will live on through this song and many of his other great songs. 


  1. John Denver was one hell of a country artist and it's a real shame that he didn't live longer to make more music, it would have been fascinating to see where his music career would had lead him if he lived longer. This song is wonderful, and really captures what it feels like to be a good old-fashioned country boy.

  2. This song is a classic i'd say! I think you got it right on the dot with who the target audience is! I think this song is for country boys who live life in small towns and rural areas. My favorite part is the clapping of hands as well! It makes me want to get up dance. The tempo of this song is upbeat and I agree you can definitely tell by the end with fiddle and shouting. You said it perfect in the end John Denver memory will live on!


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