6th Listening Blog Post


"Mystery Train"- Elvis Presley

   For this blog post, I decided to listen to "Mystery Train" by Elvis Presley. After listening to this song, I realized that this song is about a woman who boarded a train and left her significant other and he is waiting for her to come back again. When she comes back, he will make sure that she will never leave his side again. I have always been a huge fan of Elvis and have loved listening to each and every one of his songs. The target audience is somebody who had their heart broken by a significant other (a woman; according to this song) and wishing that they would have never let them go. This song has a "hook", which is a musical phrase that is particularly catchy or memorable. In my opinion, the beat of the song sounds like a trains' locomotive noise as it is moving. Overall, I think that this song has a great beat and I love hearing the sound of the guitar playing. Something that I thought was very interesting was the lead guitarist of the song, Scotty Moore, did some fingerstyle picking along with something called slapback echo, which uses a longer delay time with little or no feedback on the guitar. I also think that Elvis has such an amazing singing voice! 


  1. Nice! I think you do a really good job of pointing out the big highlights of the song. That hook gets you going and will keep you going as it can be really hard to get out of your head. I like that you mention how the music almost tries to imitate that train, which gives a lot of character and heart to this song. Great analysis.


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