My First Listening Blog: "La Cumparsita"


"La Cumparsita"-Carlos Gardel

After listening to this song, I felt that it shows the artist emotions through the lyrics as well as the way the guitar is being played. The strumming of the guitar is slow paced and goes along with the sad words that the artist is singing. When you listen to the song, you can hear a riff, which means it has a repeated melody. This song also identifies under the tango category which is very popular in the Latin American culture. I believe this song targets somebody who was once in a relationship and is trying to warn them against it to avoid a broken heart. My favorite part of the song is the guitar playing because I loved the melody. My least favorite part of the song is the over exaggeration of the apparent break up of the relationship. I believe that when you are in a relationship and it ends, you will have bad days and at times may even feel like the world will end, but it will get better. The sun will shine, your friends will still love you and so will your dog because they love you unconditionally(I would know because I have two dogs). I believe the musical features reflected in this music share similarities with one of my favorite genres of music, which is folk rock music. I also feel that they both share acoustic guitar playing even though they are two very different genres of music. Overall, I loved the song and the artist sang it beautifully. 


  1. At first I thought your interpretation of the song was interesting until I had listened to it a couple times and I couldn’t agree more! I find it interesting how you say the music shares similarities with folk rock music, I don’t listen to much of that genre but I will have to take your word for it!

  2. I am also a fan of this song because of the emotion that is portrayed through this song whether or not you speak Spanish, but just the way it sounds tells the story for him. I personally don't speak Spanish, but I wish I could because I know translations aren't always the most accurate. Great song with great vocals and guitar work.


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