2nd Blog: "How Deep Is The Ocean?"


"How Deep Is The Ocean?"-Irving Berlin (performed by Bing Crosby)


 The song I chose for this blog is "How Deep Is The Ocean". I chose this song because I thought it was very beautiful and I have always enjoyed listening to Bing Crosby. As a child, I even listened to him and loved his classical voice and music. He has such an amazing and very soothing voice. I think the song evokes an image of a loving, long lasting relationship that the artist feels. This is musically achieved by the beautiful melody in the background. The music and lyrics go well together; the song is very romantic. The target audience is somebody who is in a romantic relationship, maybe even somebody who is in a long distance relationship and is missing and thinking of their loved one. I believe this song falls under the first theme of the five themes that we have learned in class, which is the listening theme. This song has both a riff which is a repeated melodic idea and a hook which is a musical phrase that is catchy or memorable. It appears that the riff in the song is the violin playing in the background and the hook is Bing Crosby singing how deep is the ocean and how high is the sky. Overall, this song is about loving somebody unconditionally and not being able to live without that special someone.


  1. I totally agree I think his voice is very soothing! His voice is one I listen to when I’m doing homework or need to focus on something I usually turn on soft jazz and his is one of my favorites. I think you’re on to something when you say you feel it could be a long distance relationship because that’s how I see it too.


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